Ellen's 2011 Schedule
Weekly Meditation Groups
Mondays: Zen Meditation 7:00pm -8:50pm
Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore
Contact Rachel on 66886499
Wednesdays: Insight/Vipassana Meditation 7:00pm-8:30pm
Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore
Contact Christine on 66897116
Tuesdays: Insight/Vipassana 7:15pm-9:00pm
First Tuesday of the month, The Yurt at the Aikido Centre, Melaleuca Drive, Byron Bay
Contact Annie on 66859004
Insight / Vipassana
The Heart of Freedom - Insight and Mindfulness Meditation Retreat
Dates: Friday 21st - 28th January 2011
Teachers: Subhana Barzaghi and Ellen Davison
Contact: Sonya email: sandrey(please insert@)optusnet.com.au
Downkoad flyer here (580kb.MSWord.doc)
Download Registration Form here (200kbMSWord.doc)
Open Heart, Inquiring Mind - Insight / Vipassana Retreat
Dates: 2nd - 9th September 2011
Teachers: Radha Nicholson and Ellen Davison
Venue: Sine Cera, Kyogle
Contact: Jen on 02 66886366 or email: cycad5(at)iprimus.com.au
Download flyer here (304kb MSWord.docx)
Download Registration Form here (200kb MSWord.doc)
Dharma Gathering
25th November-2nd December
Yarrahapini, Mid North Coast
Contact Will: wvjames(at)yahoo.com.au
Days of Mindfulness
February 18th - Meditation in Action
9:00am - 1:00pm Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore
A meditation and community work day.
This day will combine two hours of meditation practice in the morning, followed by taking one's practice into the activities of everyday life.
Contact: Christine 02 6689 7116
April 17th - Day of Mindfulness
9:00am - 1:00pm Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore
This morning will consist of meditation instructions, sitting and walking meditation, silent morning tea, Dharma talk and group discussion.
Contact: Christine 02 6689 7116
June 19th - Community Work Morning
Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore
This work morning will begin with a meditation period from 9:00am - 9:45am, followed by gardening and cleaning the meditation hall.
All are welcome
December 18th - Day of Mindfulness with Ellen Davison
Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore
This morning of mindfulness will include sitting and walking meditation, interviews and a Dharma talk followed by a shared lunch.
Contact: Christine 02 6689 7116
Zen Retreats
March 20th - Zazenkai 9:00am - 1:30pm
A half day of Zen meditation, which includes instructions, chanting, Dharma talk, interviews and discussion.
Contact Rachael on 02 6688 6499
May 21st and 22nd - Weekend Zen Retreat
This 2 day non-residential Zen retreat will include Zen meditation, instructions, chanting and individual interviews.
For both beginners and experienced meditators.
Venue: Kuan Yin Meditation Centre, Lismore
Times: Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm, Sunday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Contact Rachael on 02 6688 6499
September 29th - October 3rd - A Four Day Zen Retreat
Open Heart Awakened Mind
This 4 day non-residential Zen retreat will include Zen meditation, instructions, chanting and individual interviews.
For both beginners and experienced meditators.
Times: Daily 9:00am - 5:00pm
Contact Rachael on 0427 778 837
Download flyer here (180kb MSWord.doc)
Download Registration Form here (24kb MSWord.doc)
Click here for a printable version of Ellen's schedule (25kb MSWord.doc)